STEM at Hilltop's Vision:
Ensuring the success of each student through collaborative efforts of the Le Sueur - Henderson community to provide connected learning opportunities.
STEM at Hilltop's Mission:
To Promote creativity, collaboration, communication and critical thinking as students explore and discover their world.
What is STEM?
The acronym STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. In 2001 Judith A. Ramaley, former director of the National Science Foundation, is credited with coining the phrase as a new approach in the effort to prepare students for the needs of 21st century. The approach to teaching mathematics and science incorporates technology and engineering and is becoming a driving force in increasing the awareness of a need for greater emphasis in quality science and math instruction in today’s schools. Moreover, STEM education looks at changing the traditional teacher-centered classroom into a classroom that is “inquiry based” in its approach to student learning. Inquiry based instruction is driven by problem solving, discovery, exploratory learning, and requiring students to actively engage in creative process when problem solving.
Learn More About What A STEM School Looks Like